STAT 205 (3) Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Sampling distribution theory. Likelihood. Parameter estimation. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing; simple regression, analysis of variance and contingency table analysis. Credit will be granted for only one of STAT 205 or STAT 230. [3-0-0]. Prerequisite: STAT 203.
I am currently a Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Teaching
I have taught a variety of courses (from introductory data science and to graduate courses in statistics) at several institutions (Guelph, McGill, MDS Program)
I am currently the Data Science Program advisor, Articulation, and curriculum representative.
Thesis: Using Individual-level Models to Model Spatio-temporal Combustion Dynamics. This involved modelling the spatio-temporal combustion dynamics of fire in a Bayesian framework. Supervisors: Rob Deardon and Zeng Feng.
University of Guelph, PhD (Applied Statistics)
Thesis: Non-Elliptical and Fractionally-Supervised Classification. This involved model-based classification with a particular emphasis on non-elliptical distributions. Supervisor: Paul D. McNicholas.
Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University Under the supervision of Dr. David Stephens, this work focused on the statistical and computational challenges associated with analyzing genetic data. It involved clustering and modeling HIV DNA sequences.
Postdoctoral Fellow at UBCO Awarded by NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), this research involved collaborations with faculty from several disciplines (eg. Medical Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) and was supervised by Dr. Jason Loeppky.
Instructor at UBCO a three-year contract position in the Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics.
Research Interests
Statistics and Machine Leaning in Curriculum Design
e.g. topics modeling in Data Science course calendars
Curricular Analytics the systematic analysis and evaluation of educational curricula to gain insights into various aspects of curriculum design, delivery, and assessment.
e.g. metric calculation for various pathways, curriculum visualization, course recommendation systems
Tools for teaching, learning, and technology
e.g. Prairie Learn: online problem-driven learning system for creating homework and tests
Course Syllabus
The course syllabus is a dynamic document which has been linked to on Canvas (PDF available for download). Many administrative questions can be answered there:
Course Tools
We will be using Canvas for most course related material:
Relevant code will be posted to Canvas and embedded in the slides when necessary
It is also recommended that you complete assignments using Rmarkdown in RStudio.
Clipboard code
A clipboard button appears when you hover over code1
# R code for calculating Mean and standard deviation# Create a numeric vectordata <-c(12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30)# Calculate meanmean_value <-mean(data)# Calculate standard deviationsd_value <-sd(data)# Print the resultscat("Mean:", mean_value, "\n")cat("Standard Deviation:", sd_value, "\n")
Mean: 21
Standard Deviation: 6.480741
Why R?
exposure to R in Statistics prerequisite course
Rich Ecosystem
Steep learning curve
Package Quality
Limited Industry Adoption
R code
You will be expected to work through any R scripts presented in class or uploaded to Canvas outside of class to ensure you understand the code.
Since we do not have labs for this course, please ensure that you utilize the office hours to answer any of your questions.
If you cannot attend my designated office hours, kindly send me your schedule via email, and I’ll arrange an alternative meeting time that suits both of us.
We are using an open source textbook available on the UBC Library website:
Sheldon M. Ross (2021). Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (Sixth Edition), UBC Library link
Other useful textbooks include:
Devore, J. L., Berk, K. N., Carlton, M. A. (2021). Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications (3rd edition) UBC Library link
Ramachandran et. al (2021). Mathematical Statistics With Applications in R (Third Edition)UBC Library link
Please be respectful, especially to other students
Please be present. Attendance will not be taken, but you are encouraged to come and learn together.
Please restrict the use of electronic devices to course related material; other content could be distracting.
Please be forgiving; instructors are people too, we will make mistakes.
Course Questions
In class
If you are stuck on a concept during lecture, please feel free to raise your hand and ask for clarification.
If you are needing help understanding something, chances are, other students are too!
I will do my best to answer questions on the fly or organize a more thoughtful answer to be presented first thing next class or posted to Canvas.
Course Questions
Outside of class
Outside of class, the general order in which I would suggest you asking course-related questions is:
Consult the course syllabus
Post your question on the public forum on Canvas*
Come see me during Office Hours1
e-mail (weekdays are best)
Course Questions
About Assignments
If you have any questions about the marking of a question on an assignment
First contact your TA directly to inquire on why marks were deducted
If you think the question was graded incorrectly/unfairly, please send me an email outlining the problem
Sending emails
Be sure to include an email subject that includes the course code1 and a clear and concise subject line that accurately reflects the content or purpose of your email. Eg.
STAT 205: Request for Review: Grading Discrepancy on [Assignment/Question]
The body of your email should include your name and student number.
🙏 refrain from sending messages through Canvas and email.
“Statistics is concerned with scientific methods for collecting, organizing, summarizing, presenting, and analyzing data, as well as drawing valid conclusions and making relevant decisions on the basis of such analysis.”1
Applications of Statistics
Statistics is a versatile field that finds applications in almost every discipline and various areas of daily life, e.g.
Clinical trials: to determine the efficacy of a new drug by comparing outcomes between a treatment group and a control group.
Sports statistics: batting average of a baseball player
Government: analyzing census data to allocate government resources and plan infrastructure development.
Personal finances: analyzing historical financial data to make informed investment decisions
Health and fitness: Monitoring personal health metrics
Branches of Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Involves describing, summarizing, and displaying data. For example:
summary statistics (e.g. average, mode, and standard deviation)
tables, …
Inferential Statistics
Involves using a sample of data to draw conclusions about a population
Descriptive statistics may include, reporting the mean height:
[1] 174.4
Or ploting the data in a boxplot or histogram:
boxplot(heights) # output on next slidehist(heights) # output on next slide
Student Heights
Left: a boxplot of the class heights. Right: a histogram of the class heights.
Food for thought
If we instead sampled heights in a fourth-year Health & Exercise Sciences (HES) course at UBCO, do you think the distribution would look the same?
A different sample will almost surely produce a different distribution.
Rather than focusing on a single classs, it would be better to take a random sample from a diverse range of students, ensuring a more representative selection of the population.
Comparisons of two means
Other questions we might ask could include:
Q: Is the average height of University students at UBCO significantly different that the average height of students at Ohio State University?
Limitations of Statistics
Statistics cannot tell us why relationships or associations exist.
Research Question
The first step in conducting research is to identify topics or questions that are to be investigated. For example:
What is the average mercury content in swordfish in the Atlantic Ocean?
Does a new drug reduce the number of deaths in patients with severe heart disease?
Each research question refers to a target population
Target Population
What is the average mercury content in swordfish in the Atlantic Ocean?
Population: all swordfish in the Atlantic ocean
Does a new drug reduce the number of deaths in patients with severe heart disease?
Population: all patients with severe heart disease
Limitations of Statistics
Notice that these questions are clear, specific, and address measurable outcomes rather than vague questions like
“What is the impact of technology on society?””
“impact” and “society” are broad terms that can encompass various aspects.
A better version would be more specific and focused, such as:
“How does the adoption of smartphones affect face-to-face communication patterns among teenagers in urban areas?”
Sampling vs. Census
At this point you might be wondering why do we collect data from a sample rather than collecting data on the entire target population of interest (i.e. a census)?
Ideally we would collect data from the entire population of interest; however, sampling methods are employed in statistics for practical, logistical, and financial considerations, …
Reasons for sampling
Save time and money: Surveying an entire population can be expensive and not feasible within a limited timeframe.
Logistical Challenges: e.g. In cases where the population is geographically dispersed or difficult to reach, sampling provides a more manageable approach.
Infeasibility e.g. it is impossilbe to observe “All people with heart disease” due to a) sheer size b) resource constraints c) logisitcal challenges d) undiagnosed cases
Statistical Inference
With the right sampling methods, data collected from a subset of the population (a sample) can provide accurate and representative information about the entire population.
This is the basis of statistical inference.
Statistical Inference
Astatistical inferenceis an estimate, a prediction, a decision, or a generalization about the population based on information contained in a sample.(Ramachandran and Tsokos 2020)
Obtaining good samples
Almost all statistical methods are based on the notion of implied randomness.
Most commonly used random sampling techniques are simple1, stratified2 and cluster3 sampling.
If observational data are not collected in a random framework from a population, statistical inferences based on these data may not be reliable.
SRS (Simple Random Sampling)
Randomly select cases from the population, where there is no implied connection between the points that are selected. [Source of image (Diez, Barr, and Çetinkaya-Rundel 2016)]
Stratified Sample
Strata are made up of similar observations. We take a simple random sample from each stratum. [Source of image (Diez, Barr, and Çetinkaya-Rundel 2016)]
Cluster Sample
Clusters are usually not made up of homogeneous observations. We take a simple random sample of clusters, and then sample all observations in that cluster. Usually preferred for economical reasons. [Source of image (Diez, Barr, and Çetinkaya-Rundel 2016)]
Obtaining bad samples
Non-Response Bias: If a significant portion of the selected individuals refuses to participate or cannot be reached, e.g. illegal immigrants
Selection Bias: occurs when the sampling method favors certain characteristics, leading to an unrepresentative group, e.g. technology-based health interventions
The Literary Digest Poll
The Literary Digest polled about 10 million Americans, and got responses from about 2.4 million.
The poll showed that Alf Landon of Kansas would likely be the overwhelming winner and Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) would get only 43% of the votes.
Election result: FDR won, with 62% of the votes.
The magazine was completely discredited because of the poll, and was soon discontinued.
What went wrong?
The magazine had surveyed its own readers who had registered automobile and registered telephones.
These groups had incomes well above the national average of the day (remember, this is Great Depression era) which resulted in lists of voters far more likely to support Republicans than a truly typical voter of the time.
In other words the sample was not representative of the American population at the time.
Example: University Height
Imagine you want to determine the average commute time of employees working in a large office building. Instead of collecting data from each of the 3,500 people working in the building, you randomly select a sample of 100 employees from different departments and floors.
What is \(N\)? 3500
What is \(n\)? 100
Q: Do you think sampling the first 100 people who arrive at the building would be a suitable sampling approach?
A survey was conducted on students in an introductory statistics course. Below are a few of the questions on the survey, and the corresponding variables the data from the responses were stored in:
gender: What is your gender?
intro_extra: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
sleep: How many hours do you sleep at night, on average?
bedtime: What time do you usually go to bed?
countries: How many countries have you visited?
dread: On a scale of 1-5, how much do you dread being here?
Data Matrix
Data collected on students in a statistics class on a variety of variables.
Types of variables
gender: categorical
sleep: numerical, continuous
bedtime:categorical, ordinal
countries: numerical, count
dread: categorical, ordinal- could also be treated as numerical
Associated vs. independent
When two variables show some connection/relationship with one another, they are called associated (or dependent) variables.
If two variables are not associated, i.e. there is no evident connection between the two, then they are said to be independent.
Positive Association
Based on the scatterplot above the head length and skull width or possus are positively associated
Relationships among variables
Does there appear to be a relationship between the hours of sleep per night and the GPA of a student?
Q: Do you spot anything unusual about these data points?
Statistical methods or visualizations can be used to detect values that deviate substantially from the overall pattern.
Outliers are data points that significantly differ from the rest of the data in a dataset. This can be caused by measurement errors, data entry (human error), natural variation, or genuine anomalies (novelties in data).
Outliers can distort statistical analyses and models, influencing results and interpretations. Treatment include removal, transformation, or employing robust statistical methods.
Observational Study
There are two primary types of data collection: observational studies and experiments.
In some observational studies data is collected in a way that does not directly interfere with how the data arise.
In general, observational studies can provide evidence of a naturally occurring association between variables, but they cannot by themselves show a causal connection.
When researchers want to investigate the possibility of a causal connection, they conduct an experiment.
In an experiment a researcher manipulates one or more independent variables to observe their effect on a dependent variable while controlling other relevant factors.
When we suspect one variable might causally affect another, we label the first variable the explanatory variable and the second the response variable.
Proficiency in R facilitates the execution of calculations, but true statistical analysis requires interpretation, critical thinking, and the ability to choose and apply appropriate methods in diverse contexts.
Overall, a solid understanding of statistics empowers individuals across diverse fields to make more rational, evidence-based decisions, contributing to both personal and professional success.