Cross validation is an alternative approach to training/testing split. For -fold cross validation, the dataset is divided into parts/folds. At iteration 1, the first fold is used as the testing set and the remaining folds is used as the training set. The process is repeated times with each of the folds serving as the test set once. The out-of-sample performance, i.e. the performance metrics (e.g., accuracy, mean squared error, ROC-AUC) computed on each of the test sets, are averaged to produced the CV estimate.
LOOVC (manual)
It’s relatively easy to set-up leave-one-out cross-validation yourself for any analysis. Here we can do it for the simple linear model…
Notice that this estimate is larger than the training MSE (which we tend not to care to much about) given by the following:
[1] 227.0704
k-fold (semi-manual)
While it would be relatively easy to code up -fold CV validation ourselves, we can leverage the work of several packages to speed things up. For instance, in order to create folds we can use the createFolds() function from the caret package. For instance, if we instead wanted to do 6-fold cross validation:
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: lattice
k =6# number of foldsset.seed(123) folds <-createFolds(speed, # a vector of outcomesk = k) # the number of folds requiredmse_values <-numeric(k) # a vector to store MSEi'sfor (i in1:k) { train_indices <-unlist(folds[-i]) # Training indices test_indices <-unlist(folds[i]) # Test indices# Fit the model on the training set model <-lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars[train_indices,])# Make predictions on the test set predictions <-predict(model, newdata = cars[test_indices,])# Calculate the Mean Squared Error (MSE) mse_values[i] <-mean((cars$dist[test_indices] - predictions)^2)}# Cross-Validated MSE estimate:(cv_mse <-mean(mse_values))
The cv.glm() function from the boot package calculates the estimated K-fold cross-validation prediction error for generalized linear models. Recall that these models have a shortcut formula so the model need only be fit once to obtain the CV estimates for MSE. To use the function we must first fit our regression model using glm():
lm.mod <-glm(dist~speed, data = cars) # default family is gaussian == lm()
Next we use the cv.glm() function to perform k-fold cross-validation:
set.seed(213456) library(boot)
Attaching package: 'boot'
The following object is masked from 'package:lattice':
cv_results <-cv.glm(data = cars, glmfit = lm.mod, K = k)
cv_results contains information about the cross-validation results. You can access various elements, including the mean squared error (MSE) for each fold.
[1] "call" "K" "delta" "seed"
cv_results contains information about the cross-validation results. More specifically the delta element is a vector whose first component is the raw cross-validation estimate. For regression problems you can access the cross-validation estimate for MSE using:
[1] 235.3013
KNN regression
knn.reg() from the FNN package is another example of a function that has built-in (LOO) cross validation; see ?knn.reg. Here we can make use of that to choose the number of nearest neighbours for KNN regression.
As stated in lecture, these value does still appear to be overfitting to the data. This may be an artifact of how knn.reg deals with ties. Interestingly, we can see that if we “jitter” the data, i.e. add some random noise in the x-values, we get a different answer:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.00427974 0.08754461 -0.04888639 9.613569e-01
x 2.05167004 0.12940570 15.85455727 1.620243e-15
[1] 0.1325126
[1] 0.132347
The theoretical standard error is 0.13735, so our hope is that all three values should be close to that. sd(coefs) (aside from the theoretical truth) would be a gold-standard approach for finding that value — but it is of course essentially impossible in practice to repeatedly gather new data. summary(mod1)$coefficients is based on the inferential linear regression assumptions (iid normal error, etc) and only one model fit. sd(bootcoef) is the bootstrap estimator based on resampling (with replacement) from the original sample.
As in class, we can push further by using the observed bootstrap estimators in bootcoef as an empirical distribution. First, we looked at the histogram
The simplest bootstrap confidence interval, often called Efron intervals (after the bootstrap founder Bradley Efron), simply pull the relevant percentiles of the observed bootstrap estimates.
So for example, for an approx 95% CI we would want the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the observed estimates…
quantile(bootcoef, c(0.025, 0.975))
2.5% 97.5%
1.766970 2.296553
How about a 90% CI? Well, that would need the 5th and 95th percentiles
quantile(bootcoef, c(0.05, 0.95))
5% 95%
1.825115 2.261882
Notice that the true theoretical value (2.00) is contained within both of these intervals.
Using exisiting functions
Alternatively we could use existing packages like boot to automate the bootstrapping process. These packages provide functions that simplify the implementation and often support parallel processing for efficiency.
For example we could redo the above example using:
# Load the boot packagelibrary(boot)# Create a function to calculate the statistic of interestbeta_function <-function(data, indices) { sample_data <- data[indices,] fit <-lm(y~x, data = sample_data)return(coef(fit)["x"])}# Number of bootstrap samplesB <-1000# Set a seed for reproducibilityset.seed(6663492)# Perform bootstrappingdat <-data.frame(x, y)boot_results <-boot(dat, beta_function, R = B)# View the resultsprint(boot_results)
boot(data = dat, statistic = beta_function, R = B)
Bootstrap Statistics :
original bias std. error
t1* 2.05167 0.002535141 0.1267117
Here beta_function() fits the linear regression model and pulls out the estimate for slope. More generally we will need to create a function that calculates our statistic (i.e. our function of our data, say, ) out of resampled data. It should have at least two arguments: a data argument and an indices vector containing indices of elements from data that were picked to create a bootstrap sample.
boot_results have a few noteworthy outputs. $t contains the values our statistic where is the bootstrap sample and :