Review Session 3
DATA 101: Making Prediction with Data
Please ensure that you attend the section of the class for which you are registered. Both classes are at capacity and will not be able to accommodate students outside of our enrollment.
Date: Wednesday, November 22 (Irene’s section) / Thursday, November 23 (Ladan’s section)
Format: On paper, closed-book, in-person (no calculators/laptops/phones permitted).
Allowable material: Writing utensil, one cheat sheet (a standard sheet of paper front/back)
Duration: 80 minutes
Structure: a mixture of multiple-choice and short/long answer
Coverage: Lectures 9, 10, 11 and Lab 5 and 6
N.B. Your cheat sheet may be printed or hand-written
The structure of the quiz will be similar to Quiz 1 and 2. While there will be some conceptual and theoretical questions, the majority of points are associated with building, tuning, and evaluating a KNN classification model using tidymodels. Partial code will be given along the way.
Classification with \(k\)-nearest neighbours (KNN)
Classification involves predicting the value of a categorical variable (AKA class or label) using one or more variables. For instance predict the species of iris based on the numeric measurement data:
plot(iris[,-5], col = iris[,5])
In this case our
output (or response) is
andour predictors are:
(or some subset of these – we need not use all of them).
More generally classification relies on labeled data where the “label” is the class we are aiming to predict and the remainder (or some subset) of numeric or categorical variables, are used as predictors.
The first step in fitting a model is to create training and test datasets from the original data.
The testing set provides an independent dataset to evaluate the performance of your model.
While we can do this using base R functions we will do this using tidymodels.
The most common split ratio is 70-30 or 80-20, where 70% or 80% of the data is used for training, and the remaining 30% or 20% is used for testing.
However, the choice of the split ratio may depend on the size of your dataset and the specific requirements of your analysis.
is a collection of R packages for modeling and statistical analysis that follows the principles of tidy data and the tidyverse.It provides a consistent workflow/format/notation across different types of machine learning algorithms
We can then easily modify preprocessing, algorithm choice, and hyperparameter tuning
Here is a typical pipeline linked to the variable packages within tidymodels
- to split the data into training and testing sets (as well as cross validation sets - more on that later!)recipes
- to prepare the data with preprocessing (assign variables and preprocessing steps)parsnip
- to specify and fit the data to a modelyardstick
- to evaluate model performanceworkflows
- combining recipe and parsnip objects into a workflow (this makes it easier to keep track of what you have done and it makes it easier to modify specific steps)tune
- model optimization (more on what hyperparameters are later too!)broom
- to make the output from fitting a model easier to read
N.B. we don’t and won’t pay too much to which package does what in the quiz/course
These are the major steps that we have covered:
We can extract popular metrics for models using the
function. In class we focus mostly on accuracy ; however, this is generally not the best metric.Other metrics include:
sensitivity (or recall): the proportion of all positive cases that were correctly classified
specificity: the proportion of all negative cases that were correctly classified
These can all be calculated from a confusion matrix which has the form
Actually Positive | Actually Negative | |
Predicted Positive | TP | FP |
Predicted Negative | FN | TN |
- TP = true positives
- TN = true negatives
- FN = false negatives
- FP = false positives
A note about randomness …
- Much of these pipelines rely on random splits of the data
- In order to make our work reproducible it is very important that we set a seed (using
The goal of this classification algorithm is to produce non-overlapping regions where the same categorical outcome is predicted for all combinations of predictor values.
KNN Algorithm
Steps to the KNN classification algorithm
- Choose the value of \(k\) (the number of “neighbors”)
- Calculate the distances (usually Euclidean on scaled and centered training data)
- Identify the \(k\) nearest neighbours (in training set)
- Make predictions based on majority vote
- Evaluate performance on the test set (e.g. using accuracy)
1. Data splitting
Using tidymodels we can split our data into training and testing using:
<- initial_split(dat, prop = p, strata = class)
set_split <- training(set_split)
train_data <- testing(set_split) test_data
is the proportion of the data we want in our training set (and1-p
is the proportion that gets allocated to our test set).if our classes are imbalanced (when the distribution of class labels is not roughly equal)
If our data is imbalanced we may want to use the following to ensure that the distribution in the ‘class’ variable is roughly the same in both the training and testing sets.
2. recipes (assign variable roles)
In tidymodels in R, we can specify a recipe using:
recipe(outcome~., data = training_data)
the first argument of
takes a formula of the formoutput_var ~ pred1 + pred2 + pred3..
The formula
is the shorthand way of saying thaty
is the outcome (target class) for our classification problem and the dot.
is a placeholder for all other variables in the dataset. In other words, all remaining columns in our data frame will be used as a predictor.# eg. on iris data: recipe(Species~., data = training_data) # same as recipe(Species~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + + Petal.Width, data = training_data) Petal.Length
make sure the specification of the variables match how they appear in the data frame provided in the
2. recipes (feature engineering)
Data pre-processing steps can be specified in our recipe using the appropriate step_*()
function. Examples include:
centering and scaling numeric predictors (i.e. normalizing)
taking the log of numeric variables
For example to normalize all numeric predictors we could do:
<- recipe(outcome~., data = training_data) %>%
my_recipe step_scale(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
Note the other options for selectors:
(Optional) Pre-processing Step
If you want to see/store thenormalized data, we can examine it using prep()
and bake()
. This is not however necessary for the analysis and was only covered in lab
# train our recipe
<- my_recipe %>%
opt_prep prep(training = training_data)
In our case, this would calculate the mean and standard deviation of the numeric columns. This will be used for centering and scaling data.
To apply the transformations formulas (as determined by the training set) to either the training and test datasets, we can use bake()
# Apply to training data
opt_prep bake(new_data = NULL)
# Apply to testing data
opt_prep bake(new_data = test_data)
Note the importnace of this step: our algorithms require the same data format as was used during model training to predict new values. In our case, we need to ensure that a new point in our test set gets transformed in the same way as was used in out training:
\[\begin{equation} \frac{x_1' - \text{mean}(X_1)}{\text{sd}(X_1)} \end{equation}\] where \(\text{mean}(X_1)\) and \(\text{sd}(X_1)\) was caluclated on the training set.
3. Specify model, engine, and mode
We need to define the following about our model:
- The type of model (using specific functions in parsnip like
etc.) - The engine, aka package, that we will use to implement the type of model selected
- The mode of learning; either classification or regression
To find the settings for different models you can search:
For this portion of the course and for the quiz we will be focused on \(k\) nearest neighbours classification. The algorithm goes as follows:
For KNN classification with 7 nearest neighbours for example we would use:
<- nearest_neighbor(weight_func="rectangular",
knn_spec neighbors = 7) |>
set_engine("kknn") |>
Recall that weight_func="rectangular"
is something we use in this course to ensure each neighbour just counts as one vote towards the predicted class.
4. Create workflow
The workflows package allows us to keep track of both our preprocessing steps and our model specification.
<- workflow() |>
my_workflow add_recipe(my_recipe) |>
5. Fit workflow
We are now ready to fit the model:
<- my_workflow %>%
my_fit fit(data = training_data)
6. Get Predictions
Now that we have created our K-nearest neighbor classifier object, let’s predict the class labels for our test set. To make predictions we use the predict()
function. Note that we can either obtain a predicted class or obtain the estimated probabilities for each category in the outcome variable
# Predict outcome categories
<- predict(my_fit, new_data = test_data,
class_preds type = 'class')
# Estimated probabilities for each outcome value
<- predict(my_fit, new_data = test_data,
prob_preds type = 'prob')
It is helpful to store the results in a single data frame (to be used to obtain certain metrics)
<- test_data %>%
my_results select(outcome) %>% # the true class label
bind_cols(class_preds, prob_preds)
7. Performance metrics
We can now assess the model fit. For instance, to get a confusion matrix we could use:
<- my_results |>
cmat conf_mat(truth = outcome, estimate = .pred_class)
While we can easily calculate things like accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, etc, from the confusion matrix we can also use some tidymodel functions from the yardstick package to do this for us:
# accuracy
my_results accuracy(outcome, estimate = .pred_class)
# sensitivity
my_results sens(outcome, estimate = .pred_class)
# specificity
my_results spec(outcome, estimate = .pred_class)
Alternatively, the popular metrics of accuracy can be extracted using:
my_results metrics(truth = outcome, estimate = .pred_class) |>
filter(.metric == "accuracy")
- The vast majority of predictive models in statistics and machine learning have parameters that you have to pick.
- These are called tuning parameters
- In the case of KNN classification, the tuning parameter is \(k\).
- Rather than arbitrarily selecting a value for \(k\), we can instead choose it using cross-validation
This method involves essentially preforming the holdout method iteratively with the training data.
We can perform a cross-validation in R using the vfold_cv
function. Again, because these are created at random, we need to use the base set.seed()
function in order to obtain the same results each time.
<- vfold_cv(training_data, v = n_folds) my_vfold
where n_folds
is the number of desired folds. This is often 5 or 10 (we usually specify in the question how many folds we want).
Now perform the workflow analysis again, this time for a series of candidate values for \(k\). We will store that in a tibble:
# examples of grids for k:
<- tibble(neighbors = seq(from = 1, to = 10, by = 1))
k_vals <- tibble(neighbors = seq(from = 3, to = 100, by = 5)) k_vals
Recall that in our previous model specification, we (arbitrarily) set \(k\) = 7. We need to update our workflow to allow for this grid of potential \(k\) values to be used:
<- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular",
knn_tune neighbors = tune()) |> # no longer 7
set_engine("kknn") |>
<- workflow() |>
updated_workflow add_recipe(my_recipe) |> # normalize predis/outcome the same
Now let’s refit the modelS:
<- updated_workflow |>
updated_fit tune_grid(resamples = my_vfold, grid = k_vals)
- Note how we use
Instead of usingfit
which we can use with cross-validation for a particular value of \(k\)). - We will use the
function to fit the model for each value in a range of parameter values (stored ink_vals
. - The
argument takes the cross-validationmy_vfold
object we created earlier. - The
argument specifies that the tuning should try \(k\) =k_vals[1]
, then \(k\) =k_vals[2]
, … - We can then collect the metrics estimated for each of the different values of \(k\) using the
<- updated_fit %>%
cv_results collect_metrics()
It is often useful to extract the accuracies from this to visualize quickly where our “best” choice for \(k\) is.
<- cv_results %>% filter(.metric == "accuracy")
ggplot(accuracies, aes(x = neighbors, y = mean)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() + scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(k_grid$neighbors)) +
labs(y = "accuracy")
Generally speaking, the value(s) of \(k\) that obtain the highest accuracy is going to be the “best” choice(s) for the number of nearest neibours. Once we decide on that value we would return to step 3 and rerun the analysis with the neighbors
argument set to best \(k\) as determined by cross-validation.
= accuracies %>%
best_k slice_max(order_by = mean) %>%
= accuracies %>%
best_acc slice_max(order_by = mean) %>%
Let’s work through the example from your assignment…
mobile_carrier_df readRDS(url(''))
tibble [2,277 × 14] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ canceled_plan : Factor w/ 2 levels "yes","no": 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 ...
$ us_state_region : Factor w/ 9 levels "East North Central",..: 1 7 5 7 4 1 2 3 4 7 ...
$ international_plan : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ...
$ voice_mail_plan : Factor w/ 2 levels "no","yes": 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 ...
$ number_vmail_messages : int [1:2277] 0 11 0 0 33 0 28 0 30 0 ...
$ total_day_minutes : num [1:2277] 202 253 113 139 228 ...
$ total_day_calls : int [1:2277] 105 129 108 107 85 106 117 106 114 101 ...
$ total_eve_minutes : num [1:2277] 195 284 169 257 249 ...
$ total_eve_calls : int [1:2277] 131 88 107 113 114 109 102 99 106 95 ...
$ total_night_minutes : num [1:2277] 190.1 262.8 156.6 234.9 93.5 ...
$ total_night_calls : int [1:2277] 88 99 61 74 89 93 80 89 105 123 ...
$ total_intl_minutes : num [1:2277] 9 12.3 9.2 10 10.2 8.7 8.7 8.5 12.9 9.3 ...
$ total_intl_calls : int [1:2277] 2 1 5 3 7 3 3 3 3 4 ...
$ number_customer_service_calls: int [1:2277] 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 6 2 2 ...
In this dataset, each row corresponds to a customer and indicates whether they terminated their service. The output (aka target aka response) variable is canceled_plan
. As we can see, it is properly coded as a factor with two levels: "yes"
or "no"
Notice that the data is NOT balanced (aka imbalance/unbalanced):
<- ggplot(mobile_carrier_df)+
bar_gg geom_bar(aes(x=canceled_plan), fill = 'lightblue')+
labs(x = "Customer canceled their plan", y = "Number of cases")+ theme_classic()
1. Data splitting
Allocate 80% of data points to the training set. Ensure that the split maintains the category proportions within each subset.
<- _______________(mobile_carrier_df, prop = 0.8,
strata = _____________________)
<- initial_split(mobile_carrier_df, prop = 0.8,
mobile_split strata = canceled_plan)
Create a training and testing set:
# Create the test data
<- ___ %>%
mobile_test ___
<- mobile_split %>%
mobile_test testing()
# Create the test data
<- ___ %>%
mobile_training ___
<- mobile_split %>%
mobile_training training()
# or (without the pipes:)
<- training(mobile_split) mobile_training
2. Recipes
Create a recipe by using only numeric variables for the predictors and canceled_plan
as the response variable.
<- recipe(_________________________________ ,
data = ___________________________) |>
<- formula(canceled_plan ~ number_vmail_messages+total_day_minutes+total_day_calls+total_eve_minutes+total_eve_calls+total_night_minutes+total_night_calls+total_intl_minutes+total_intl_calls+number_customer_service_calls)
<- recipe(my_formula , data = mobile_training) |>
mobile_recipe step_scale(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
which is the same as:
recipe(canceled_plan ~ number_vmail_messages +
+ total_day_calls +
total_day_minutes + total_eve_calls +
total_eve_minutes + total_night_calls +
total_night_minutes + total_intl_calls +
number_customer_service_calls, data = mobile_training) |>
step_scale(all_numeric_predictors()) |>
Which is the same as:
recipe(canceled_plan ~ number_vmail_messages +
+ total_day_calls +
total_day_minutes + total_eve_calls +
total_eve_minutes + total_night_calls +
total_night_minutes + total_intl_calls +
number_customer_service_calls, data = mobile_training) |>
step_scale(all_predictors(), -all_outcomes()) |>
step_center(all_predictors(), -all_outcomes())
3. Model specification
Since we don’t know what an optimal \(k\) will be, let’s first specify a grid of candidate models.
# vector of possible k values
<- tibble(neighbors =c(5, 10, 15, 25, 45, 60, 80, 100)) k_vals
Since we know we’ll need to use cross-validation to pick the “best” \(k\), let’s created our 6-fold cross-validation split of our training data.
# folds used in cross-validation
<- _____________(________________________
mobile_folds v = __________) ,
# folds used in cross-validation
<- vfold_cv(mobile_training, v = 6) mobile_folds
Recall usage of this function
vfold_cv(data, v = 10, strata = NULL)
- if we don’t specify the number of partitions we desire, 10-fold cross-validation will be done by default
- like with
we have astrata
Although we didn’t ask you to do this on the assignment, when we have umbalanced data it is probably a good idea to set this to the outcome variable to ensure that each fold has a similar distribution of the specified strata variable as the overall dataset.
<- vfold_cv(mobile_training, v = 6,
strata = __________________________)
# folds used in cross-validation stratified by
<- vfold_cv(mobile_training, v = 6, strata = canceled_plan) mobile_folds
Now we want to specify our model. If you forget any model types, engines, and arguments go here:
<- ______________________( # type (model function name)
knn_spec # optional arguments
_______________________, |> # required arguments
set_engine( ___________) |> # engine
set_mode(________________) # mode
<- nearest_neighbor(neighbors = tune()) |> # type
knn_spec set_engine('kknn') |> # engine
set_mode('classification') # mode
When looking at the documentation for the nearest_neighbor type, we can that we have an optional argument weight_func
A single character for the type of kernel function used to weight distances between samples. Valid choices are:
"rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "triweight", "cos", "inv", "gaussian", "rank"
, or"optimal"
As discussed in class, we want to use: weight_func = "rectangular"
which assigns equal weight to all neighbors within the specified k.
<- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular",
knn_spec neighbors = tune()) |> # type
set_engine('kknn') |> # engine
set_mode('classification') # mode
K-Nearest Neighbor Model Specification (classification)
Main Arguments:
neighbors = tune()
weight_func = rectangular
Computational engine: kknn
4. Create workflow
The workflows package allows us to keep track of both our preprocessing steps and our model specification
<- workflow() |> # start with worflow function
knn_wf <_________>(_____________) |> # add the model
add_<_________>(______________) # add the recipe add_
<- workflow() |>
knn_wf add_model(knn_spec) |>
Tune the model
Now we need to perform hyperparameter tuning in order to find out the best choice for \(k\). To do this we use the tune_grid
function. It’s typically applied within a workflow to search over a grid of hyperparameter values and find the combination that results in the best model performance based on a specified metric.
<- __________________ |> # apply to our saved workflow
cv_fit tune_grid(resamples = __________________, # the cross-validated folds
grid = _______________________) # vector of candidate k values
<- knn_wf |> # apply to our saved workflow
cv_fit tune_grid(resamples = mobile_folds, # the cross-validated folds
grid = k_vals) # vector of candidate k values
The tune_grid()
function fits models for each possible value of hyperparameter values as specified in grid
. It uses resampling (e.g., cross-validation) to assess the model performance. To exract the estimated accuracies of each of these models we can use the collect_metrics()
As mentioned in class, these provides two metrics: the accuracy and roc_auc, but we only care about accuracy in this course. So lets extract that information and store it to a new data frame.
<- collect_metrics(cv_fit) %>%
cv_results filter(.metric == 'accuracy') # keep only the rows that provide ests of accuracy
It is useful to plot this data
ggplot(_________________, aes(x = ___________, y = ________________)) +
<_____________________>() +
geom_<___________________>() +
geom_# to coincide with our choices for k
scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(k_vals$neighbors)) +
ggplot(cv_results, aes(x = neighbors, y = mean)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() + scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(k_vals$neighbors)) +
labs(y = "accuracy")
We can read the best \(k\) from the plot or code it for a more automated approach
%>% arrange(mean) cv_results
we can make use of the slice_*
function which lets you index rows certain criteria
%>% slice_max(order_by = mean) cv_results
= cv_results %>% slice_max(order_by = mean) %>%
best_k pull(neighbors) # pull() is like using $
= cv_results %>% slice_max(order_by = mean) %>%
best_acc pull(mean)
c(best_k, best_acc)
[1] 15.0000000 0.8171494
The best \(k\) is 15 which obtains an estimated accuracy of 0.8171494
5. (re)Fit the model
Now we need to refit the model with that specification of \(k\). That is our tuning parameter can now be set to the “best” choice as determined by cross-validation.
We need to update our model specification
<- nearest_neighbor(neighbors = best_k) |>
bestknn_spec set_engine("kknn") |>
Now we can refit the model using:
<- workflow() |>
mobile_fit add_recipe(mobile_recipe) |> # reused from before
add_model(bestknn_spec) |> # updated to a certain k
fit(data = mobile_training) # remember to still use the training data
6. Predict
FINALLY! we can use our fitted model to predict “new” observations in the form of our preserved test set. To do this we use our predict()
# Predict outcome categories
<- predict(mobile_fit, new_data = mobile_test,
(class_preds type = 'class'))
# Estimated probabilities for each outcome value
<- predict(mobile_fit, new_data = mobile_test,
(prob_preds type = 'prob'))
The default is to give the class prediction (in this case “yes” or “no”)
predict(mobile_fit, mobile_test)
To help in the next section, lets store the predicted class in the same data frame as the true class:
<- predict(mobile_fit, mobile_test) |>
test_prediction bind_cols(mobile_test)
7. Assess
To assess our model we can look at the confusion matrix:
<- test_prediction |> conf_mat(truth = canceled_plan, estimate = .pred_class)
Prediction yes no
yes 75 17
no 67 297
We can calucate
\[\begin{align*} \text{sensitivity} &= \frac{\text{TP}}{\text{TP + FN}} && \text{specificity} &= \frac{\text{TN}}{\text{TN + FP}} \end{align*}\]While we can easily calculate things like accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, etc, from the confusion matrix we can also use some tidymodel functions from the yardstick package to do this for us:
# accuracy
test_prediction accuracy(canceled_plan, estimate = .pred_class)
# sensitivity
test_prediction sens(canceled_plan, estimate = .pred_class)
# specificity
test_prediction spec(canceled_plan, estimate = .pred_class)