Data 311: Machine Learning

Lecture 13: Classification and Regression Trees

Dr. Irene Vrbik

University of British Columbia Okanagan


  • We have some of the basics for building/assessing models

  • Much of the remainder of the course we will be introducing some new models; today’s topic is tree-based methods.

  • Tree-based methods are simple and useful for interpretation; however, they are typically are not competitive with the some of the alternative approaches we’ll be discussing


  • Classification and Regression Trees (AKA CART or decision trees) involve partitioning (AKA stratifying or segmenting) the predictor/feature space by simple binary splitting rules.

  • Since the set of splitting rules used to segment the predictor space can be summarized in a tree, these types of approaches are known as decision tree methods.

  • We make a prediction for an obs. using the mean/mode response value for that “region” to which it belongs.

Motivating Classification Example

Task: partition the feature space into subsets, with each subset/region corresponding to a specific class.

Scatterplot of the Motivating Classification Example.  The x-axis is labeled X1 and the y-axix is labelled X2. This scatterplot comprise points from three classes: red triangles (forming a cluster in the bottom left corner), a blue plus group and a purple x group (these two groups are overlapping in the top right corner).

True classes are colour/shape-coded

Rules: Regions can only be split horizontal or vertically.

First Rule on X1

As a first go, let this line represent a decision

Scatterplot of the Motivating Classification Example. Superimposed is a vertical line (marked as a on the x-axis) that splits the scatter plot into two regions.

Rule 1:

Let’s summarize this as a flow chart:

A flow chart (read from top to bottom). At the top node Rule 1: X1 < 1. If 'yes', left arrow points to node with text 'red triangle'.  If 'no', right arrow to yellow node (unspecified text).

Second Rule on X1

Adding to the scatterplot from the previous slide, supperimpose a second veritical line at 'b' (located to the right of 'a' on the x-axis).  We have now split the scatterplot into three regions.

the left-most region is said to be pure (i.e. only containing observations from the red triangle group; see Gini Index)

Rule 2

A flow chart (read from top to bottom). At the top node Rule 1: X1 < 1. If 'yes', left arrow points to node with text 'red triangle'.  If 'no', right arrow to yellow Rule 2: X1<b.  If 'yes' left a rrow points to yellow node (unspecified text), if 'no' right arrow points to a terminal node saying 'purple x'.

Third Rule on X2

Adding to the previous plot, we supperimpose a third horizontal line at 'c' on the y-axis.  We have now split the scatterplot into four regions.

Rule 3

A flow chart (read from top to bottom). At the top node Rule 1: X1 < 1. If 'yes', left arrow points to node with text 'red triangle'.  If 'no', right arrow to yellow Rule 2: X1<b.  If 'no' right arrow points to a terminal node saying 'purple x', if 'yes' left arrow points to yellow node Rule 3: X2 < c.  If 'yes' left arrow to terminal node: 'red triange', if 'no' right arrow to terminal node: 'blue plus'.

The prediction at a terminal node is the majority class for that corresponding region in the feature space.

Tree Notation

To aid with notation, try to visualize this flow chart as an upside-down binary tree with a set of connecting nodes:

  • The root node represents the entire population or sample and sits base of the tree.

  • A nodes that splits is called an internal node or decision node and is said to be the parent to its left/right child.

  • A node that does not split is a terminal node, or leaf.

  • A sub-section of an entire tree is called branch.

Notation (on tree)

A flow chart (read from top to bottom). At the top node 'Root'. If 'yes', left arrow points to node with with no children 'Terminal Node'.  If 'no', right arrow to yellow internal/decision 'node'.  If 'no' right arrow points to a node with no children 'terminal node', if 'yes' left arrow points to yellow internal/decision node.  If 'yes' left arrow to node with no children 'terminal node', if 'no' right arrow to node with no children 'terminal node'.

Upside-down tree

Image of upside-down tree.  At the root of the tree is a node labeld '5' with two children: 4 and 9.  Node 4 has one child labeled 3.  node 9 has one child 7.  node 7 has two children: left child 6 and right child 8. Node 3 and 4 is circled and labelled as a branch.  Nodes 9, 7, 6 and 8 are circled and labelled as a (separate) branch.  Notes 7, 8, and 9 are circled and labeled as another branch.

Image adjusted from:
  • 7 is parent to node 6 and 8

  • 7 is a child to node 9

  • There are multiple branches (i.e. sub-trees) we can highlight

When do we stop?

  • Back to our motivating Classification example…

  • We could make more binary rules such that nothing gets misclassified …

  • … or could we be done with our Third Rule on X2?

8 Regions

Scatterplot from Motivating Classification example split into 8 regions. Each region is 'pure' in that it contains only observations from a single class.

Motivating Example: Comments

  • So, it appears there are some things we may need to consider going forward in the classification realm.

  • Before diving further into specifics, let’s motivate trees for regression through an example.

  • Our regression tree will be built by spliting \(X\) into partitions (or branches), and iterartively splitting partitions into smaller partitions as we moves up each branch.

Motivating Regression Example

Motivating Regression Example.  Scatterplot of points with predictor X on the x-axis and response Y on the y-axis.  The scatterplot forms a moving catepillar-like pattern wherein regions in X produce varying clusters of responses.  In other words the points line about horizontal lines who height depends on which region of X you lie.

Split 1

Add a splitting rule at 'a' on the x-axis.

Split 2

Add a splitting rule at 'b' (located to the right of 'a') on the x-axis.

Split 3

Add a splitting rule at 'c' (located to the right of 'b') on the x-axis.

Split 4

Add a splitting rule at 'd' (located to the right of 'c') on the x-axis.  We now have 5 regions.


  • Now that we have (five) regions of relative homogeneity in \(Y\)…what would the simplest plan be?

  • Easy solution is to average the observations in the region to provide the predicted value for every observation that falls into the region \(R_j\).

  • More generally, in order to make a prediction for a given observation, we typically use the mean or the mode response value for the training observations in the region to which it belongs.

\(Y\) Predictions

Baseball Example:

Figure 1: Hitters dataset from Major League Baseball player data from 1986-87. y-axis: number of years playing in the major leagues. x-axis: number of hits in the previous year. Colour: salary (low salary is blue/green, and the high salary is red/yellow)


  • Divide the predictor space (\(X_1\), \(X_2\), , \(X_p\)) into \(J\) non-overlapping regions1 \(R_1, R_2, \ldots, R_J\).

  • For every observation that falls into the region \(R_j\) , we make the same prediction:

    • Regression: Predict the mean response for the observations that fall into each region \(R_j\).

    • Classification: Predict the categorical response as the most commonly occurring (i.e. mode) in each region \(R_j\).

Growing a Tree


To “grow” our tree, i.e. to determine our splitting rules, we use a top-down (greedy) approach called recursive binary splitting.

  1. It starts with all observations in a single region then splits the predictor space into two.

  2. Then, one of those two regions are split in two (now we have three regions).

  3. Then one of those three regions are split it two, …

Im/Possible Regions

Left: A partition of two-dimensional feature space that could not result from recursive binary splitting. Right: The output of recursive binary splitting on a two-dimensional example.

Resulting Tree

The tree (left) corresponding to the feature space partition (right).

Growing a Tree (Regression)

  • How do we pick a “good” split of the predictor space?

  • For regression the goal is to find the regions \(R_1, \dots R_J\) which minimize the RSS given by: \[RSS = \sum_{j=1}^J \sum_{i \in R_j} (y_i-\hat y_{R_j})^2\] where \(\hat y_{R_j}\) is the mean response for the training observations within the \(j\)th region; see Recursive Binary Splitting.

Determining the first split

  • However, we cannot consider all possible hyper-rectangles in our data-set to find the optimal tree; jump to example

  • Instead, we can start seek predictor \(X_j\) and cutpoint \(s\) such that the following is minimized with the resulting regions:

\[\begin{equation} \sum_{i: x_i \in R_1(j, s)} (y_i - \hat y_{R_1})^2 + \sum_{i: x_i \in R_2(j, s)} (y_i - \hat y_{R_2})^2 \end{equation}\]

\[\begin{align} R_1(j, s) &= \{X\mid Xj < s\} & R_2(j, s) &= \{X\mid Xj ≥ s\} \end{align}\]

Determining the next split

  • Then, via the same process, we either subdivide region \(R_1\) or \(R_2\) (whichever one leads to the greatest reduction in RSS), so that we have 3 regions: \(R_1\), \(R_2\), \(R_3\)

  • Then we split one of these three regions further, …

The process continues until a stopping criterion is reached.

jump to example

Recursive Binary Splitting

  • This process of recursive binary splitting is known as a greedy approach

  • It’s greedy since it does not anticipate splits that will lead to a better tree in some future step, it only does the best decision at that particular step.

  • Consequently, this greedy approach does not ensure we find the best tree (in terms of minimum RSS) but it is computationally feasible

Stopping Criterion

We may continuing splitting until, for example:

  1. each region contains fewer than, say, 5 observations
  2. the change in the RSS is less than some \(\epsilon\)

Strategy 2 tends to produce smaller trees, but is too short-sighted. So typically we grow a larger tree than needed which we can potentially prune back.

Growing a Tree (Classification)

  • For classification minimizing the misclassification rate is not usually done at the growth stage as it is too “jumpy”.

  • Instead, usually the Gini index, deviance, or cross-entropy is used to evaluate the quality of a particular split1

  • Numerically these are very similar and most of the time, it won’t make a large difference which you use.

N.B. when pruning the tree (more on this in a second) we will typically use classification error rate.

Gini Index

The Gini index defined below is a measure of node inpurity1

\[G = \sum_{k=1}^K \hat p_{mk} (1-\hat p_{mk})\] where \(K\) is the number of response classes, and \(\hat p_{mk}\) is the proportion of training observations in the \(m\)th region that are from the \(k\)th class

Cross Entropy

An alternative to the Gini index is the cross-entropy, given by \[\begin{equation} D = - \sum_{k=1}^K \hat p_{mk} \log \hat p_{mk} \end{equation}\]

or the residual mean deviance (or simply deviance) given by: \[\begin{equation} -2 \sum_m \sum_k n_{mk} \log \hat p_{mk} \end{equation}\]

where \(n_{mk}\) is the number of observations in the \(m\)th terminal node that belong to the \(k\)th class.



  • Building a tree through the description just given will tend to overfit1 to the training data and lead to poor test set performance.

  • A common strategy is to grow a large tree, \(T_0\), and then prune it back to obtain a subtree.

  • Intuitively, our goal is to select a subtree that leads to the lowest test error rate.

A good StatQuest video on the subject.


  • Given a subtree, we can estimate its test error using cross-validation or the validation set approach.

  • However, estimating the cross-validation error for every possible subtree would be too cumbersome, since there is an extremely large number of possible subtrees.

  • Instead, of considering every possible subtree, we select a small set of subtrees for consideration using cost complexity pruning 1

Cost Complexity Pruning

We consider a sequence of trees indexed by a non-negative tuning parameter \(\alpha\). For every value of \(\alpha\) there corresponds a subtree, \(T \in T_0\), such that the following is minimized: \[\begin{equation} \sum_{m=1}^{|T|} \sum_{i:x_i \in R_m} (y_i - \hat y_{R_m})^2 + \alpha |T| \end{equation}\]

  • Here \(|T|\) is the number of terminal nodes in the tree,
  • \(R_m\) is the region corresponding to the \(m\)th terminal node
  • \(\hat y_{R_m}\) is the mean of the training observations in \(R_m\).

Tuning Parameter

  • When \(\alpha = 0\), then the subtree \(T\) will simply equal \(T_0\)

  • However, as \(\alpha\) increases, there is a price to pay for having a tree with many terminal nodes, and so the penalized RSS will tend to be minimized for a smaller subtree.

  • In that way, \(\alpha\) controls the trade-off between the subtree’s complexity and its fit to the training data.

  • It turns out that as we increase \(\alpha\) from zero, branches get pruned from the tree in a nested and predictable fashion.

Picking \(\alpha\) using CV

  • Using \(k\)-fold cross validation, we both build trees, and prune them back for possible values of \(\alpha\)

  • Each tree and subtree built in this fashion will produce an estimate of the MSE.

  • Pick the \(\alpha\) that minimizes the predicted MSE using the above cross-validation.

  • Then prune the original tree (built on the full data) with the chosen \(\alpha\).

CV Plot

Each point on this plot is calculated using these steps

Summary: Tree Algorithm

  1. Use recursive binary splitting to grow a large tree \(T_0\)
  2. Apply cost complexity pruning to the large tree in order to obtain a sequence of best subtrees, as a function of \(\alpha\).
  3. Use K fold cross-validation to choose \(\alpha\).
  4. Return the subtree from Step 2 corresponding to the chosen \(\alpha\) obtained from Step 3.

CV deviance calculations

For each \(k = 1, . . . , K\):

  • Repeat Steps 1 and 2 on the \((K−1)/K\)th fraction of the training data, excluding the \(k\)th fold.
  • Evaluate the mean squared prediction error1 on the data in the left-out \(k\)th fold, as a function of \(\alpha\).
  • Average the results & pick \(\alpha\) to minimize the average error.

Classification Trees

  • For classification trees, the process is very much the same.

  • We use the previously mentioned Gini index for choosing splits (growing the tree), and often use the misclassification rate during the pruning stage (again with cost-complexity tuning parameter).

  • We predict that each observation belongs to the most commonly occurring class of training observations in the region to which it belongs.

Redo Motivating Example

regt = tree(y~x); plot(regt)

Rule 1

x < 1.88734?

This split was determine by this

Rule 1: No. Rule 2

x < 1.61789?

This split was determined using this

Rule 1: Yes. Rule 2: Yes

predict 0.893184

Rule 1: Yes. Rule 2: No

predict 3.8922321

Rule 1: No. Rule 3

X < 7.94252?

Rule 1: No. Rule 3 Yes.

predict 7.8689239

Rule 1: No. Rule 3 No. Rule 4

X < 8.25091?

Rule 1: No. Rule 3 No. Rule 4 Yes.

predict 5.935194

Rule 1: No. Rule 3 No. Rule 4 No.

predict 4.1281582


(regcv <- cv.tree(regt)) # default 10-fold
[1] 5 4 3 2 1

[1]  670.3909  706.5098  868.8886 1863.3871 4485.8637

[1]       -Inf   47.98107  136.98995  847.40453 2852.97004

[1] "deviance"

[1] "prune"         "tree.sequence"

cv.tree output

  • size: no. terminal nodes as the tree was pruned back
  • $dev the deviance of the pruned trees:
    • For regression this is the RSS
    • For classification we usually change the defaults so that this corresponds to the number of cross-validation errors; see example here
  • k is the \(\log(\alpha)\)

Optimal \(\alpha\)

It turns out, no pruning needed, according to CV.

plot(regcv, type = "b") 

Example: Beer

The following is a look at beer price-per-six-pack (in the 90’s) along with some consumer reports information on that beer…

  • name name of the beer
  • qlty quality (scale 1-100) according to a blind taste
  • cal calories
  • alc alcoholic level
  • bitter bitter (scale 1-100)
  • malty malty (scale 1-100)

You can find this data set here

beerdat <- read.csv("../data/beer.csv"); 
head(beerdat <- beerdat[,-1]) # delete  names for simplicity

Bushy Tree

beert <- tree(price~., data = beerdat) 

cross validation

set.seed(456); cv.beert <- cv.tree(beert); 
plot(cv.beert, type="b")

Pruned Tree

p.beert <- prune.tree(beert, best=3) 
plot(p.beert); text(p.beert, digits=3) # pruned tree


cv.beert <- cv.tree(beert);  plot(cv.beert, type="b")

Pruned tree with 6 terminal nodes

Classification Example

Back to the motivating example for classification.

Full tree

ctree <- tree(Y~., data=cdat) # using default
plot(ctree); text(ctree)


Plotted Tree

ctree2 <- tree(Y~., data=cdat, # regions must have >= 3 obs
                # (default mincut = 5)
               control=tree.control(nrow(cdat), mincut=3))
plot(ctree2); text(ctree2)

Updated Rules

Using mincut = 3 our partition of the predictor space becomes …

No further pruning needed

Change the error metric from deviance to misclassification:

set.seed(159); cv.ctree <- cv.tree(ctree2,  FUN=prune.misclass)
plot(cv.ctree, type="b")

Motivating Example: Classification

cpred <- predict(ctree2, type = "class")
(cmat <- table(cdat$Y,cpred, dnn=c("True", "Predicted")))
True     blue purple red
  blue      8      2   0
  purple    1     14   0
  red       0      0  20

Misclassification rate: 3/45 = 0.0666667. Alternatively you can use the summary function:

# summary(ctree2)
summary(ctree2)$misclass  # misclass, # total
[1]  3 45

CV Misclassification Rate

We can easily convert the number of misclassification to an error rate:

# Index of tree with minimum error
min.idx <- which.min(cv.ctree$dev)
# Number of misclassifications (this is a count)
(cvmscla <- cv.ctree$dev[min.idx])
[1] 9
# Misclassification rate
[1] 0.2

CV misclassification rate: 9/45 = 0.2


  • We have assumed that the predictor variables take on continuous values. However, decision trees can be constructed even in the presence of qualitative predictor variables.

  • A split on a categorical variable amounts to assigning some of the qualitative values to one branch and assigning the remaining to the other branch.